One Dozen Red Roses
One Dozen Red Roses
Make a special someone happy with this exquisite dozen red rose bouquet! With lush greenery and filler flowers, it adds an extra touch of beauty and elegance. Nothing says "I love you" more than a bouquet of red roses, whether for an anniversary, birthday, Valentine's Day, or any other special occasion! And with a delivery to Parkville, you and your loved one will enjoy the most beautiful and classic of gifts. Show how much you care with this stunning dozen red roses, the ultimate expression of love and appreciation. Also available in light pink roses!
Locally Grown
Many of our flowers are locally grown right here in Parkville, Missouri! (when in season) If we don't grow them we try to purchase from local growers and local wholesalers. Support local businesses by shopping small.
In-Season Flowers
Whether it be Spring, Summertime or the Fall, you can always expect the highest quality in-season flowers from us!
Delivered to You!
Northland! We bring the flowers to you! Simply place your order, and we will deliver your beautiful bouquet right to your door!