Bouquet of the Month Arrangement-February
Welcome to February's Bouquet Of The Month from White Farmhouse Flowers! We've specially crafted this unique bouquet to make you and your loved ones smile. Our locally sourced flowers are the freshest and most beautiful you'll find in Parkville, MO. Whether you're sending a thoughtful gesture or planning a special occasion, this gorgeous arrangement will make your occasion shine! With same-day delivery available in Parkville, MO, you can guarantee your flowers will arrive in perfect timing. Show your loved ones how much you care with this beautiful bouquet of the month today!
Locally Grown
Many of our flowers are locally grown right here in Parkville, Missouri! (when in season) If we don't grow them we try to purchase from local growers and local wholesalers. Support local businesses by shopping small.
In-Season Flowers
Whether it be Spring, Summertime or the Fall, you can always expect the highest quality in-season flowers from us!
Delivered to You!
Northland! We bring the flowers to you! Simply place your order, and we will deliver your beautiful bouquet right to your door!